Austrian Anti Poverty Network ("Die Armutskonferenz")
Austrian Network against Poverty and Social Exclusion
Fight Poverty. Prevent Poverty.
Since 1995 the Austrian Anti Poverty Network has been acting as a lobbyist for those who have no lobby. It is committed to thematising the hushed-up problems of poverty and social exclusion in Austria and to improving the living conditions of those concerned.
A conference of many colours
In 1995 the first Poverty Conference took place in Salzburg. A wide variety of civil-society actors joined forces: welfare organisations, umbrella organisations of social initiatives, church and trade union organisations, education and research institutions and groups of people at risk of falling into poverty, such as lone parents and jobless persons.
Regional networks
Regional networks and platforms are active in the Austrian provinces. The participation of those concerned and social initiatives on site is i.a. ensured by Austria-wide campaign weeks, film days and cultural activities.
European networking
DIE ARMUTSKONFERENZ is a member of the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN). EAPN was founded in 1990, its priority objective is bringing together NGOs combatting poverty in a network so as to put the fight against poverty and social exclusion on the agenda of EU policymakers. More information:
International projects
DIE ARMUTSKONNFERENZ frequently participates in international projects. For example:
- EMIN - European Minimum Income Network (2013-2014):
- ICE - Increasing Citizenship and Partizipation in Europe (2012):
Recent information and data - Poverty Watch Report 2020
The Austrian Poverty Watch Report gives an overview about poverty and social exclusion in Austria with special focus on the consquences of the COVID-19 pandemic and lock-down measures on people experiencing poverty respectively people with low income. The first part introduces the Austrian Anti-Poverty Network, the second part shows some actual data and facts on poverty in Austria and the third part deals with COVID-19 consequences.
More information
For more information about our organization and activities please contact our office in Vienna:
Austrian Anti Poverty Network
Herklotzgasse 21/3
1150 Vienna
Phone +43-1-4026944